
New Zealand has some of the best trout fishing in the World. Rainbow and brown trout are present in most backcountry streams and rivers. The video clip below gives an introduction to some of the awesome trout fishing New Zealand has to offer.
In 2016 the Ministry for Primary Industries released a warning to trout fishermen, not to eat trout from 1080 poisoned rivers for at least 7 days. However, as the MPI warning was based on incomplete, and erroneous information. The video below analyses the information, including the 2014 Cawthron Institute trout study.
Click on the video below to view the tv news story and the wider implications.
In 2014 the Cawthron Institute was commissioned by the Department of Conservation to undertake a study to investigate the impact to trout fisheries in New Zealand from poisoned mice falling into rivers. In the summary of the Cawthron Institute's study on trout, it states.

The Department of Conservation has avoided investigating the most significant pathways - the cereal baits being dropped directly into the waterways (as they are in all aerial operations) and being eaten by trout, trout consuming poisoned crayfish, and other aquatic life that immediately uptake the cereal bait when it hits the water. These are more significant pathways than trout consuming poisoned mice. Trout at tourist destinations like Rainbow Springs are fed cereal food daily (similar to cereal 1080 poison bait), and crayfish form part of the diet of trout and other aquatic animals, and birds. Eels are another directly impacted fish, and many tonnes of eels are exported every year.
The study referenced in the video clip below shows that freshwater crayfish can consume a complete poison bait (or more if presented with it) - enough poison to kill a small child. The poison remained in the crayfish can then be passed to any animal, bird, fish or human that consumes it. The video clip also references commentary by the CEO of The Environmental Protection Agency. His commentary indicates that he is unaware of how aerial operations are undertaken - that 1080 poison bait is dropped into running water in all aerial operations. In many cases, rural households are not informed of the exact day the aerial operations are undertaken if their properties are not immediately adjacent to the poison drop boundary.
Click the video below to view the research undertaken on freshwater crayfish - and the 1080 poison risk in water review undertaken by Dr Jo Pollard (PhD) BSc ( Hon).