Hospital Documents
In this response from the Waikato District Health Board, the Board declares it approved the spreading of close to 110,000 hectares (270,000 acres) of the Waikato Region's forests in 2017, alone. The irony is that the DHB is charged with protecting human health, and yet it is the organisation that approves the aerial distribution of 1080 poison across land and water.

In the second part of the response, the DHB claims there were no incidents recorded for 2017. However, it is difficult to have an incident recorded, and even when the incident in this video clip involving dozens of people on the Coromandel Peninsula, complaining about 1080 poison bait being dropped directly into their water, no complaint process was made available. Click on the link to view the video clip.

Professor of Toxicology at the University of Canterbury, Ian Shaw, describes his findings with regard to the poisoned Kochumman family from Putaruru.

The following documents have been presented following the release from the hospital, the family poisoned by consuming contaminated wild boar.