New Zealand has seven species of wild deer. They are enjoyed by most forest park users. Their numbers are low in most areas, although Govt agencies and organisations like Forest & Bird want to eradicate them. The video below gives a short introduction to wild red deer and other New Zealand wildlife.

1000's of wild deer are poisoned in aerial 1080 poisoning operations every year. Their toxic carcasses are left to decompose where they fall - be that on land or in water. The risk of bacterial contamination to water increases following their deaths and every poisoned animal carcass becomes a bigger and more persistent toxic bait. The research paper below investigates the impact of 1080 poisoning operations on deer populations. The research was undertaken by scientists Graham Nugent and Ivor Yockney from Landcare Research and shows that high numbers of deer are killed in aerial poisoning operations, along with high numbers of birds.

There are many cases of mass-poisoned deer around New Zealand. This recent case was near the shores of Lake Taupo. The Farmer found dead deer on his property, and more were found in the nearby forest.
In this incident, Taihape farmers Alan and Lynn Westerman discover dead deer around their property and ask questions about the use of 1080 poison to kill deer.
On rare occasions - and with additional cost, and mostly on private land - the poisoning agencies try to appease the public by using "deer repellent". They claim less deer are poisoned, but the results in the operation below say otherwise.
On a lighter note - click the video below to view some of the best wild red stag footage ever taken in rugged, New Zealand bush country. The action was filmed in Fiordland National Park and Westland National Park. Unfortunately, most of the forests included in the action below have now been aerially poisoned. But up until the point when the footage was taken, the wildlife was magnificent.